Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sound Sleeping

So for the last 2 nites I have been sleeping extremely deeply, having intense realistic dreams and when I am awakened by the sound of my baby angel (hee hee) saying "sveglia mamma" (trans. WAKE THE HELL UP AND PAY ATTENTION TO ME) I have been dazed and confused- misreading the clock and thinking it is like 1:30am instead of 7:30am which in any case is early- far too early considering I have to be at work for 10:30am. But it seems that I need this extra time as it took me literally from the time my feet hit the ground at 7:42 until 10am to walk out the door - dressed and ready accompanied by my 3 year old who was already dressed and ready. It seems unfathomable to me that it takes 2.5 hours for 2 people to get showered and dressed. But alas one of those people is a little 3- year old how is going through a period of his life that I like to call Pig Won't (if you are familiar with Richard Scarry you will know what I am talking about). Madison let's get dressed- no dress. Madison let's put your shoes on- no cappe (trans. shoes) " juice juice" -ok, here's your juice. NO! YUCKY (throws cup across the room). Maddy please don't do that...he looks at me with a sly look and does it anyway. What is this insanity? Terrible twos are over? HELP you other moms... what do I do?


Nat D said...

Sounds like a contrary phase. I'm no mom, so I have no advice. But I do like the new look of your blog!

Katherine C. said...

I think 3 is supposed to be a horrible age for boys. Up until about 2 months ago, William was the easiest kid in the world. But the closer he got to 3, the more demonic he got. Now he is full of tantrums and unpleasantness. When I have mentioned this to other moms of boys, I am told that it is not terrible 2's, it is terrible 3's. Maybe they will be a little better by summer.

Elizabeth H. said...

I love Pig Will and Pig Won't.