Friday, January 4, 2008


Welcome to 2008! I have a feeling that this is going to be a fantastic year and that great things are going to happen. I am not sure why I have this feeling but I do despite the fact that my horoscope claims that this year will be my most demanding one ever.....I find that hard to believe and therefore I don't. I had a wonderful Christmas here in Italy, despite my intial trepidation and fear that it would be sad and loney without my American family once again. However, we managed to have a wonderful holiday season right here in Italy. Instead of walking in a Healey wonderland on Donray Drive- my friends gathered in Via Baroni for the third annual Healey-Magherini winter wonderland party. There was good food to be eaten, drinks to be drunk and good times to be had. All in all I have to say-SUCCESS. Christmas eve was spent in town doing last minute shopping, Christmas day at the Nonni's(grandparents) house, the 26th Santo Stefano (holiday in Italy) was spent with the Zii (aunt and uncles)...a few days of holiday rest...then the 31st was spent with hubby and toddler at the CIRCUS...only in Italy do they give you a split of Champagne at the circus (obviously for you to toast the New Year at midnight) but I thought it was a nice touch. Of course, we had ours open way before midnight. And let me just add this for all those mothers who give looks to parents of rowdy children - if my child can not act rowdy at the circus when can he be rowdy....stay at home if you want a calm evening!!!!
Sorry, but I have had the most uncontrollable urge to slap some of those mothers... I didn't ask for an "active" child, but i have one and I love him and I refuse to tell him No 24-7... there is a time and place I agree- but a healthy tiger growl at the circus when he sees the tigers at the cirucs I think is totally appropriate.

1 comment:

Nat D said...

Happy New Year! We missed you here, but it sounds like you had a great holiday. A demanding year may be the best year of all, so don't fret there. And I totally agree about the circus. Completely a place to be rowdy. Screw those snorers.