Friday, June 1, 2007

Life in Florence

Well, here is the story of how I came to live in Florence 11, count 'em 11, years ago. I left the fair city of Baton Rouge as soon as I graduated from the once esteemed Baton Rouge Magnet High School for greener pastures in North Carolina. I spent two very bizarre years in Greensboro, NC only to later move onto Chapel Hill. After three strange roomates -- the first was a fencer who ate Chinese food in bed and constantly watched Japanese cartoons, the second being Elena....enough said for those who have heard the stories and before roomate number 3 - Julie I think her name was because she never spent one night in our room (was soon to be married to her B.F. and so was there all the time, in fact I think I met her only once...I had a sort of breakdown and wanted to leave school. My dearest friend Jason convinced me to not leave school -- to stick it out until the end of the year (which was only about 2 months). Well one day, shuffling along campus I saw the study abroad office! Right then and there I decided I wanted to go to Italy. (Previous to this decision I had taken 1 semester of Italian in hopes of returning there - went junior year of high school and enjoyed it immensely. )
I entered the office and said "what programs do you have in Italy?" and there began my adventure. To be continued...........ok where was I...short version. I ended up in Florence supposedly for a semester and here I am 11 years later. No really I met Alessandro (my husband) in a bar like the first week I was there, we got engaged 5 months later and married a year later. Two and a half years ago we had Madison and the rest is history.

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