Friday, June 20, 2008

It's a Boy!

The doctor confirmed it yesterday- we are having another BOY!!! Any suggestions for names are welcome- while Sled was a top favorite for our first child alas we went with Madison. This second go round it is even harder as it was hard enough to come up with a boy name in the first far I like Riley, my grandmother and mother has suggested Grant to go along with the presidential theme- but as he was the leader of the YANKEE ARMY during the civil war - just can't do that. I also like Julian, Miles and Allistair...all vetoed by Alessandro...let me know your thoughts.


eliza said...

What about Mason? I suggested that for MEF's child should she have a boy, and I really like it. I think it's would go well with Madison & M-ini.

Annie said...

Congrats on the new baby boy! I second Mason. Have you checked out The Baby Name Wizard book? If you look up Madison, it lists names for brothers/sisters that go well. My sister is having a hard time coming up with a name for her baby boy too.

Katherine C. said...

Congrats on the baby boy!
I was going to name Emily "Matthew" if she was a boy.
I love Julian as well. I also really like Cooper.
We liked Mason too, but then we realized we would have Mason and Jason.
William was almost called Liam and I still like that.
I have always loved Patrick.

eliza said...

Since you asked, I have to say that if you name your baby Alistair all I will ever be able to think of is Alistair Crane on "Passions."