Monday, June 9, 2008

Ain't we lucky we got 'em

GOOD TIMES... I am so excited. I have found a way to watch full episodes of Good Times that I can watch on the computer...check it out...

Very exciting- very exciting....I am thinking about ordering the first 4 seasons--not interested in season 5 and 6 as James has been killed off...and they get boring after that...did not realize that Thelma's name in one of the first episodes is Bern Nadette and in a later episode it is Bernnadette Stanis....hmmm did she get married or just change her "stage name"....things that make you go hmmmmmm.....I really really like this show, I think it is my all time favorite...followed by the Jefferson's, then One Day at a Time and then Three's Company...then The Facts of Life, and Different Strokes and the Brady Bunch. Come to think of it I watched a lot of TV when I was a child...I occasionally had to watch Sanford and Son in order to get to one of the favorites but it was not my favorite....any thoughts???

1 comment:

Nat D said...

I think I liked the shows you liked, but in reverse order. Except for Sanford and Son. I never liked that one. Once when I was at the babysitters, I was sick or something so I was quarantined in the tv viewing area away from the rest of the kids. She gave me a choice: Days of Our Lives or Redd Foxx. I figured Redd Foxx was a cartoon about a cute little red fox. I was sadly, sadly mistaken.