Wednesday, January 9, 2008


My mother always told me(the myriad of times that I told her I was bored) that intelligent people are never bored. I think that this is wholely untrue as I consider myself quite the intellect and am ALWAYS bored. I mean things hold my attention for about 5 seconds then I am over it. I mean Madison (my three year old) are on about the same attention span- which works out great when we are together, but the majority of my day is spent in an office -where- when there is lots to do I am content and when there is nothing to do I get super super antzy! Like really ants in my pants can't sit still. I mean I can lay in bed and read for hours, I can watch movies (ones that I like) for entire weekends straight, but if I don't have something occupying my head I get agitated. I mean the problem is really that I am smart, but I am lazy. I have creative ideas, but am too lazy to put them into act. I prefer to be force fed entertainment as opposed to looking for interesting things to do. Am I a product of my 1980's culture? Maybe so...


Nat D said...

My mom had a similar response "Only boring people get bored" Shitty response, I say.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha...I was replying to say my mom always said "Bored people are boring."

Clinton Gene Healey said...

it is a lame answer just like when you say to Cathy Healey- "I am so hungry" and she responds "drink a glass of water- that will fill you up". Got news for you Cathy- I love you dearly, but water does not fill you up when you are hungry- it only makes you feel vomity when you hear the water splashing around in your empty tummy